Explore Eastern Iowa's
Maquoketa River
Meeting minutes and event history
Board of Directors Meeting in Monticello City Hall Council Chambers
March 12, 2024
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Board of Directors Meeting in Monticello at the Eagles Club
October 24, 2023
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Board of Directors Meeting in Monticello
March 1, 2023
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November 30, 2022
Water Monitoring Virtual Presentation
October 26, 2022
MR WMA Board of Directors
Annual Meeting
Monticello Eagles Club
Annual fall meeting of the 34 members of the Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority. The agenda included a presentation of the recent events, presentation of the past 4 years of Water Monitoring Data in the watershed and a presentation by Ross Evelsizer of North East Iowa RC&D about his experience with other WMA to be successful. The minutes can be viewed here:
September 21, 2022
Cover Crop and Water Quality Field Day in Jones County
It was a bit blustery for our field day in Jones County at the end of September, yet that didn't stop all that attended!
Huge thanks to Liz Ripley with Iowa Learning Farms who shared her wealth of knowledge about cover crops and demonstrated the Rainfall Simulator on four different types of surfaces. We were honored that Conservation Farmer of the Year, Dave Lubben, joined us to speak about best practices used on his land. Jones County Roadside Prairie crew, William Roller & Wes Gibbs told stories of how the secondary right of ways have changed with their efforts. We got to see some rusty gold that was recovered during the sediment removal project on the lake in Central Park from Jones County Conservation Director, Brad Mormann. Everyone enjoyed a delicious BBQ dinner which was catered by Darrell's in Monticello.
It was nice to catch up with familiar faces and meet new ones to hear what's happening in their fields.

February 22, 2022 4pm
MR WMA Board of Directors
Annual Meeting
Zoom Meeting
Annual meeting of the 34 members of the Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority. The agenda included a presentation of the Annual Report and an update on the progress of the Watershed Management Plan. This meeting was recorded and you can view it here!
December 8, 2021 Camp Courageous, Monticello, Iowa
MR WMA Special Project Event: UI Civil & Environmental Engineering Social at Camp Courageous
Camp Courageous, Monticello, Iowa.
Four teams of University of Iowa civil and environmental engineering faculty and students presented their strategies to enhance 24 acres of beautiful, undeveloped forest area at Camp Courageous. These designs include a multipurpose trail system, a nature education center, stormwater management and detention plans, and systems for reducing contaminants in source water. These were culminating presentations from students' semester long projects. See more here.
Camp Courageous and the University of Iowa collaborated with the Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority, via a Watershed Planning Grant through the Iowa Department of Natural Resources on these projects.
November 17, 2021
MR WMA Water Monitoring Results and Trends Meeting
Zoom Meeting Recording Link Here
Recording password: p5!q#+3e
The WMA has collected samples within the watershed three times per year since 2019 using a snapshot approach. In 2021 Volunteers sampled 45 identified monitoring sites throughout the watershed May 18, June 22 and Aug. 10. Dave Mack, chair of the MR WMA Water Monitoring Committee, and Lead Volunteer Lynette Seigley shared data
from the past three years of stream testing
in the watershed during this public meeting.
Maps, comparisons to streams statewide and
trends were all covered and are available for
download in the included pdf document.
October 26, 2021 - Monticello, Iowa.
MR WMA Board of Directors
Fall Meeting
Regular meeting of the 34 members of the Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority. Included updates on the Watershed Management Plan and grant projects at Camp Courageous. Open to the public.
June 29, 2021
MR WMA Board of Directors
Special Meeting
6:30pm Zoom Meeting
Members met Erin Erickson - new Watershed Coordinator, were notified that MR WMA Water Monitoring Volunteers will be the recipients of a Governor's Group Volunteer Award in July, approved the FY22 Management Contract with LB RC&D, and received updates on the current DNR Watershed Planning Grant / partnership with the Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities.
April 27, 2021
Watershed Plan Public Input Meeting
7pm Zoom Meeting
Water quality, flood mitigation and preserving the river as a local asset are the goals for a team of University of Iowa graduate students working to develop a Maquoketa River Watershed Management Plan. The group is working closely with local officials, residents and the Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority (MRWMA) as part of a two-year project. The planning group is seeking input from the public through an online Photo Voice (storytelling via photographs) project and a public Zoom meeting. In addition, the group has already gathered results from an online survey.
*This meeting was recorded. View the recording here. Written comments were accepted until Aug. 1, 2021.*
In the Photo Voice project, participants are sharing photographs taken inside the watershed area, which are accompanied by stories that relate to the photographs and to the watershed. The stories shared can revolve around any issues within the watershed, including flooding, drinking water, wildlife, vegetation, farming and recreation. The link to post photos is included at the top of this webpage.
January 26, 2021
MR WMA Board of Directors
Annual Meeting
4pm Zoom Meeting
Regular meeting of the 35 members of the Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority. The agenda will include a presentation of the Annual Report and the election of officers. The meeting is open to the public.
November 10, 2020
MR WMA Water Monitoring Results and Trends Meeting
6:30pm Zoom Meeting
Join Dave Mack, chair of the MR WMA Water Monitoring Committee, and Lead Volunteer Lynette Seigley as they share data from the past two years of stream testing in the watershed. Detailed maps, comparisons to streams statewide and trends will all be covered. The WMA collects samples within the watershed three times per year (2019 & 2020) using a snapshot approach. Learn more about water quality in the watershed. Open to the public.
October 27, 2020
MR WMA Board of Directors
Fall Speaker Meeting
Nate Hoogeveen, Iowa DNR
7pm Zoom Meeting
Water Trails in the Maquoketa Watershed and Beyond!
Learn how communities have rallied around projects that change how people interact with their rivers both in towns and rural settings.
Nate Hoogeveen is the river programs coordinator for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. As team leader, Nate oversees diverse efforts, including the water trails, low-head dam mitigation and Protected Water Areas programs. His team conducts river science, survey, construction, grant administration, data and mapping services, and project management statewide. Nate has been certified as an American Canoe Association instructor and has extensive training in the applied science of river restoration. Formerly a writer, Nate is author of the guidebook, Paddling Iowa.
October 27, 2020
MR WMA Board of Directors Fall Update Meeting
4pm Zoom Meeting
Regular meeting of the 35 members of the Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority. Open to the public.
October 23, 2020
MR WMA: WQI Urban Conservation Cost-Share Program
10:30am Zoom Meeting
State Urban Conservationist Paul Miller with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship will conduct an overview and answer questions about the Water Quality Initiative (WQI) Urban Conservation Projects cost-share program. Pre-applications for this program are due Dec. 4, 2020. The meeting is open to public with a targeted audience of communities within the Maquoketa River Watershed.
For meeting link email MR WMA at maquoketariverwma@gmail.com
May 12, 2020
MR WMA Board of Directors
Annual Meeting
4pm Zoom Meeting
Due to closures associated with COVID-19, the Annual Meeting was postponed to this date. The agenda included a presentation of the annual report and the election of members to the Executive Committee.
March 31, 2020
MR WMA Board of Directors
Annual Meeting
6:30pm City Council Chambers, Monticello, Iowa
Due to COVID-19, the Annual Meeting of the 35 members of the Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority was postponed to May.
Sept. 30, 2019
MR WMA Board of Directors Meeting
6:30pm City Council Chambers, Monticello, Iowa
Annual meeting of the 35 members of the Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority. Open to the public. Presentation: 2019 Water Monitoring Results.
Sept. 17, 2019
"What's in Your Water?" Expo
6 - 7:30pm Riverfront Park, Manchester Iowa
A FREE, family-friendly event that explores water quality in Manchester and the Maquoketa River watershed. Do you know what's in the water you drink? What about the water you play in? Join us for hands-on activities, education and cookies! Be sure to bring your own water bottle to use with the city's newest bottle filling station.